Preordering Pays Off!

And it will win you prizes!

Our Apple Preorder Contest!

The Quick Explanation

  • Preorder “Win a Trip to Browntown!” through iTunes or Apple TV before March 22nd. (Click here!)

  • Forward your emailed receipt to by March 27th.

  • Win cool Browntown merchandise. 1 out of every 10 purchases will win!

The Lengthier Explanation

One of the things that will help us most in terms of positioning on digital movie sites is preordering our film on the Apple platform. And there's a few places you can do this (even if you don't own an iPhone or an Apple TV device):

  • Open up your Apple TV app on Roku or visit Apple TV in a web browser, run a search for "Win a Trip to Browntown!" and BOOM! We're there!

  • If you have an Apple TV device, an iPhone, or run iTunes on your home computer, just check for the film in the movies section of your iTunes app (or click here) and DOUBLE-BOOM! We're there too!

Now, I really need you to click that "Buy" button, so I'm bribing you with prizes! We have a TON of super-cool Browntown merchandise, and if you preorder, there's a good chance you might win some!

Entering the contest is easy! On the day of our release (March 22), you will receive an emailed receipt from Apple showing that you preordered our film. Just forward that email to and - ABRA-KADABRA! - you're entered!

How will I know it’s a preorder? On the emailed receipt (see example above) the date (circled in red) should show March 22 - or possibly March 21, if Apple processes things early.

Preorders end on March 22nd with the actual release of the film, so don't wait! Go preorder now and send me that email! The drawing will take place on March 27, so I need to receive your email by then!

Once again, PREORDER, EMAIL your receipt to, and WIN a prize! I've got lots of giveaways, so get to it! 1 out of every 10 entries win!