Meet the Cast!

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Laura Tsigas, Kendra McDermott

Kendra is an accomplished actress who has appeared in productions everywhere from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to the Pacific Northwest. As a loving mother of two, it was clear in casting that she felt this role deeply (on top of her outstanding preparation and performance in her audition). She has a passion for learning all aspects of production and quickly jumped aboard the film as a co-producer as well. Browntown wouldn’t have been the same without her!

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Frank Tsigas, George A. Tramountanas

As a filmmaker, George wanted to learn more about acting in an effort to communicate better with his performers. And after several years of acting classes, he discovered he loved it! Although he did hold auditions for the role of Frank, he couldn’t find any actor who felt the role as much as he (understandable, since he wrote it). On top of this, he had 50 pounds to lose and felt bad about making anyone else suffer on such a tight timeline. Making himself suffer though? Well, isn’t that what independent filmmaking is all about?

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Buzz, Gabriel Conrad

Finding a child actor for an adult comedy can be a challenge, but Gabriel knocked it out of the park in his audition. Always prepared and professional, he was one factor the director never had to worry about on set. Gabriel can be seen in promotions on the A&E /Lifetime Network, and has done modeling for Zulily and Nordstrom. His hobbies are Dance, Gymnastics, Piano, Singing and Video Games. Visit for more information about this young star and to follow his future successes on social media.

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Annie, Eleanor Tramountanas

During the many years her father was writing screenplays, Eleanor often joked, “When are you going to write a role for me?” Then, when George finally presented the role of Annie to her, Eleanor gulped and had to think twice - but only for a second! A natural performer with the best smile in the world, the production was especially pleased to have her play Annie. Eleanor is currently a junior at Shorewood High School, loves listening to indie music and watching YouTube, and creates awesome art of every kind!

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Teddy, Manoli P. Tramountanas

Manoli had never really considered acting much, but he’s also not one to shrink from any challenge - no matter how crazy! He worked hard on his performance and helped his father throughout the production, including working as the Media Manager on set. An upbeat presence who appreciates great comedy, Manoli is currently enrolled in the School of Engineering at the University of Washington. He also has a passion for robotics and will eventually code a robot to do all his household chores.

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Jen, Heather Reynosa

Heather knew she wanted the role of Jen and said as much when she came in to audition. Embracing the “inappropriateness” of the comedy seemed to come as second nature to her, so the decision to cast Heather was an easy one. On top of her great acting abilities, Heather is a phenomenal singer and belongs to the band GoFetch, who contributed two songs to the film’s soundtrack. To hear some great music and learn more about Heather and the band, visit


Cameron, Phillip Silva

The character of Cameron required boisterous energy, and Phillip brought this to the production in spades. Playing the best friend of Frank, Phillip’s spontaneity always kept things lively. His energy is even more amazing when one considers he has three very young children at home - doesn’t Phil need a nap? A graduate of the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, Phillip brought Cameron to life in a surprising and vibrant way.


Meg, Amelia Samson

As Meg, Amelia rounded out our sordid squad of women perfectly. She's also one of the few actresses out there who could not only keep up with our Cameron character, but actually outwit him. This is Amelia's second feature, and she says she fell in love with Meg the moment she read her first line (just you wait). And if you'd like to hear more sexy-time talk from her, visit Amelia's podcast at She also wants to thank her parents for not disowning her when she told them she was in a film about "butt stuff."


Paulie, Sam Schragel

For the character of Paulie, the production needed an actor who could say a lot without speaking a word. Therefore, we were very lucky when Sam showed up for auditions. He informed the filmmaking team that he was excited to be in a comedy, since he's usually cast as a serial killer (no joke!). Sam is an aspiring actor, voice actor, and stunt man. He's also one hell of a guitarist.


Nikki, Kiana Vaziri

Kiana was a special surprise for the production. The role of Nikki was originally written as Nick, and Kiana started out as a Production Assistant on the film. However, while helping out as a reader during the audition process, it became clear to the filmmaking team that no one could read the role of Nick with the contempt that Kiana displayed. A quick rewrite later, Nikki became part of the story and Kiana brought a terrific balance to the male-centric I.T. office where the character of Frank works.