The Distributor-Approved Trailer

Our lovely distributor - Gravitas Ventures - told us we needed to have a trailer without any swearing, nudity, or overt references to butt-sex.

Challenge accepted! Here you go…


Our first trailer (Red Band version)

Here’s an early trailer for our film before making a more "family-friendly" version (and prior to color correction).

PLOT: Frank Tsigas is a middle-aged family man who can only see his life's shortcomings. To distract him, his soft-spoken wife Laura offers a unique anniversary gift: she bets her ass that he can't lose 50 pounds in three months...literally.

Kevin Smith Gets Some Browntown Love!

On September 27, 2022 Kevin Smith was in Seattle for a screening of his latest flick "Clerks III" and Dana and I were part of the audience. After watching the movie (which was fantastic), he had a Q&A and I had a chance to thank Kevin in person for being one of the inspirations behind Browntown.

And it was AWESOME! Check out our little tête-à-tête...


The DISH on Browntown

Technically, this is about Browntown on the DISH (Network, that is). Here is a little promo piece we did with the fine folks at DISH Studios.

Funny side note - you may remember that I made a "kids' cut" of the film for the child actors that starred in the movie. It appears that the producer of this promo piece grabbed a video clip from our website, and he just happened to grab a clip I posted from the kids' cut (see below). So when you me spilling Cameron's dirty secret in this video, that's NOT what I say in the actual film. Ha!


Here’s a quick video explaining how to preorder our film on Apple TV. Simple, right? I know that 99% of you can figure out how to do this.

My dad can’t.

So this video is for him. Love you, dad!


Studio City Q&A

On the weekend before Thanksgiving, our film was screened (online) as part of the Studio City International Film Festival. Before this occurred, one of the festival's organizers sat down with me via Zoom for a little Q&A.

It was a lot of fun (although I still need to learn how to light myself for these kinds of things). We covered every topic from Batman to family to the making of our film. Plus, he gave me one of my favorite quotes: "It's like a Disney movie gone porno."

Browntown - The Kids Cut!

Because we had so many children in this R-rated film, I told them I would make a "kids cut" for them. I now have a one hour and fifteen minute film about a husband who bets his wife that he can lose 50 pounds in 3 months. If he achieves this, he'll win a heated heinie massager! (This premise was the only one that still allowed the story to make any sense.)

Curious how this all works? Well, here's a clip where we learn Cameron's horrible secret (I only had to redub my own voice in this one). Enjoy!


One of Our First Awards!

The Canadian International Comedy Film Festival bestowed upon us the Best New First Time Director Award at their 2021 awards ceremony. Winnipeg has suddenly become one of our favorite cities!

Filmmaker Intro

One of the online festivals asked me to film a little intro for our movie. Here’s something I quickly whipped up with the help of one of my kiddos (they’re so handy!).


Anatomy of a Shot

The fancier the shot, the more coordination required (and more takes!). This is a shot of our lascivious ladies arriving at Wild at Heart in Ballard (an adult “toy” store). We wanted to emphasize the impact of the moment, so our camera rushed forward on a Segway while our sound person did the hokey-pokey. It took a few takes, but came out great!