Yes, you DID read that right - we have an Oscar-nominated crew member! Allow me to explain...

As you may recall, when we completed our sound mix I said it was a "competent" mix, but I had hoped we'd get the chance to make a better one. Well, if wishes were horses...I'd own a horse!

You see, I happened to talk to a friend of mine in Los Angeles and mentioned that I wanted to do another mix. And this friend - this awesomely friendly friend - knows sound people. Specifically, they knew Brad Zoern, a member of the Oscar-nominated sound mixing team for the film "The Shape of Water."

Thanks to the (horrible) pandemic, Brad was between gigs and soundstages were available. So this friend arranged for Brad to check out our film, he enjoyed it and agreed to give us a shot (at a price I could afford), and then my friend coordinated the whole thing to give us an awesome stereo mix AND a 5.1 theater mix!

Yeah, I still can't believe it either!!!!

Brad is supremely talented and (with an assist from my buddy) made our movie a true film. I couldn't believe the difference when I heard it! MIND BLOWN!

I want to name this friend, but I'm afraid if I do, they'll be hit up by dozens of people for a similar favor. If this friend wants, they can identify themselves in the comments. Or heck, if they'd prefer, I'll tattoo a picture of their face on my belly and walk around shirtless for a month!

This friend has helped me bring our film to a close in the best way possible, and I can't express all the gratitude I feel.

I now feel like I can say our film is done without any reservation or hesitation. I mean, there's still i's to dot and t's to cross, but they're all manageable tasks.

I'm reaching the end of the tunnel...and it's nice to have an Oscar-nominated jet pack on my back! Thanks Brad (and friend)!




Happy Valentine’s Day!