We’re Officially a Film!

(Originally Posted September 30, 2020)

So, how do we know we're a film? (i.e. how do you know a film is finished?)

It's a fair question in today's digital world. We're not cutting a negative, so we can just keep tinkering with it forever.

BUT we won't do that (I promise, honey!).

That said, the film is complete enough to submit to festivals, which is what I've done. We made the deadlines for both Sundance and Slamdance, and our film is officially submitted.

Folks at the Oscars say, "It's an honor to be nominated."

In our case, I feel proud just to say we've submitted! To me, that's having "made it." We completed a feature film that has been submitted to two huge festivals. Whatever else happens, that's a nice feeling.

Now, will we still tinker with the film? Probably (but not a ton).

Is there a wild story to share about the past two weeks? Definitely (see upcoming posts).

Is there more to be done? Definitely x 10.

But for now, I'm just going to enjoy this little victory. For all those who worked on the film, I hope you enjoy it too!


So What Happened In Those Two Weeks?


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