So it's almost 1am. I haven't checked the news. I'm afraid to. But it kind of reminds me of how I came up with the story that became this film. Allow me to explain...

It was January 2017. My mom had just died 4 months prior, and Trump won the White House 2 months past. I wasn't thrilled with my job, and due to the months I had worried about my mom's cancer, I had put on a good deal of weight. Things weren't great.

I wanted things to change. I wanted to feel good about myself. I wanted to laugh. But how?

I thought I should take care of my health (especially with my mom's passing in my mind). About 10 years prior, I had lost close to 50 pounds. My inspiration? My wife and kids, and - I'm ashamed to admit - my 20 year high school reunion. (For the record, high school reunions are NEVER a good reason to change your physical appearance. EVER!)

I'd sworn off ever attending another reunion, but I needed some kind of motivation to get healthy. So I started playing little stories in my head (I'm a writer - that's what we do). And then I came upon an idea that seemed so ridiculous, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. And it felt good!

This idea kept bouncing around in my head - I just couldn't get it out. So I started to write little scenes about it. But was I just being a weirdo? Or was it something that someone else might relate to as well?

So I asked a good fried of mine - a friend who I consider a "normal" guy (okay, more normal than me) - "Say friend, how many husbands do you think want to try XXXX with their wives?"

Without a second's hesitation, he replied, "All of them."

That calmed any worries I had about my story idea, and I began to form a script. A year (or so) later, I had a script. It's 2020, and now I have a film!

And now, more than EVER, we need reasons to laugh. I sure hope you all enjoy this thing I've made once you see it!

election 2020.jpg



Making an EPK - All the Way!