Making an EPK - All the Way!

Of the numerous (oh-so-numerous!) film tasks I'm working on, I am currently focused on the our EPK - Electronic Press Kit. On the off-chance we get into a film festival, we'll need this! So what is it?

The EPK can take on several forms, but the basic idea is that it's a package you can hand to someone where they can see and learn about your film. Information such as...

  • What the film is about?

  • Why you made it?

  • Who made it with you?

  • What are the film's technical specs - aspect ratio, running time, format?

Plus lots and LOTS of pretty pictures that can be used for festival programs and/or magazine articles.

An EPK is also needed for any distributor interested in licensing your film. They'll want to know what is great about your film so you can sell it.

I am presently working on the EPK and the film's website at the same time, since they will both contain a lot of the same info. The website will probably go into further depth than the EPK, as I want it to be a "fun" place where even the film's extras can find info about their day of shooting. (I had a ton of awesome extras!)

So be patient just a little longer - we are getting close to finishing these items. Once we do, we'll have a whole website where you can visit Browntown! Makes you kind of excited, doesn't it? ;)




Only the Good Remains…